
show archive

date location venue other artists
01/12/25 catskill ny house show beccs / kendra mckinley
08/23/24 hudson ny the park theater beccs / slow packer
08/22/24 boston ma the lilypad slow packer
08/03/24 woodstock ny house show margo ross / sophia corinne
07/07/24 beacon ny a lucky cut alexia avina / panther hollow
06/13/24 catskill ny the avalon lounge membra / maeve schallert
06/09/24 carmel ny thai golden emulator / tamarak
05/25/24 albany ny elephant alley larry locust / katy pinke / good baby
05/12/24 woodstock ny graveside variety katy pinke
05/09/24 annandale-on-hudson ny the root cellar riverbed / field guides
05/02/24 manhattan ny knitting factory late night thoughts / the victory seeds
02/18/24 queens ny sundownstairs riverbed / nicomo
02/17/24 turners falls ma unnameable books riverbed / ciarra fragale
02/16/24 woodstock ny station bar & curio riverbed / will stratton
02/11/24 new haven ct v0lume two: never ending books riverbed / brother beauty
02/10/24 portland me prism analog riverbed / cilla bonnie
02/09/24 burlington vt house show riverbed / ivamae
11/04/23 beacon ny taproots festival @ the yard
10/27/23 beacon ny the yard
09/22/23 wurstboro ny bashakill vineyards
09/16/23 hudson ny park theater larry locust / emily jeanne brown
09/09/23 gilboa ny rockland cider works
08/26/23 kingston ny utility bike works lea thomas / jackie west
08/24/23 burlington vt house show good baby / melanie alanna glenn
08/23/23 florence ma bookends ciarra fragale / bobbie
08/19/23 accord ny westwind orchard
08/11/23 manhattan ny berlin under a kitba / ochre / porterfield
07/22/23 beacon ny the yard rose stoller / katie martucci / carrtoons
07/07/23 cochecton ny cochecton pumphouse
07/30/23 mountain dale ny high voltage creek bar
06/11/23 cold spring ny hops on the hudson festival kat selman
05/06/23 kingston ny west kill supply
04/29/23 chester ny rushing duck brewing co
02/23/23 kingston ny sonder cloudbelly / erin barth-dwyer
02/17/23 woodstock ny house show louisa stancioff / eleanor buckland / margo ross
02/16/23 brooklyn ny 360 record shop jackie west / adeline hotel / cloudbelly
12/30/22 wakefield ri pumphouseworks guess method / smug honey
12/29/22 burlington vt the monkey house ivamae / vega
11/22/22 manhattan ny rockwood stage 3 emma geiger / miles hewitt
11/14/22 providence ri red ink community library louisa stancioff / lily porter wright
11/13/22 amherst ma house show louisa stancioff / cloudbelly
11/12/22 boston ma worlds end sessions louisa stancioff / wyn doran
11/10/22 belfast me underground lounge louisa stancioff
10/26/22 brooklyn ny troost bar nicole connelly / kendall lujan
10/21/22 troy ny troy speakeasy katy rea / nicomo
10/20/22 catskill ny avalon lounge lea thomas / nicomo
10/02/22 manhattan ny bowery electric nicolle jadad / washburn and the river / siempre pasada
09/29/22 troy ny superior merch co izzy oram brown / jules olson
08/26/22 rochester vt re-union fest kendall lujan / prints of monaco
08/25/22 beacon ny bank square coffeehouse rose stoller
08/23/22 kingston ny hasbrouck collective errant space / amity ames / brick house
08/17/22 brooklyn ny gold sounds casey greenleaf / thanks light / kyle tigges
08/13/22 nashville tn that ross collier sound fest bats / abstract black / anne malin
08/12/22 asheville nc static age records slow packer
08/10/22 kingston ny utility bicycle works rose stoller / sophia corinne
07/30/22 brooklyn ny union pool withe / a day without love / oropendola
07/19/22 kingston ny tubbys kendra mckinley / the lowliest one
07/16/22 troy ny superior merch co lizzy dutton / weeper
06/23/22 brooklyn ny knitting factory eliza edens / altameda
06/12/22 ashfield ma foxtrot farm eliza edens / cloudbelly
06/11/22 gardiner me table bar eliza edens / lousia stancioff
06/10/22 beacon ny dogwood eliza edens
05/20/22 manhattan ny rockwood stage 3 eliza edens
05/19/22 beacon ny dogwood melanie alanna glenn
05/14/22 cold spring ny hops on the hudson festival
04/18/22 beacon ny orchard series house show will stratton / brian van oosterum / louisa stancioff
04/09/22 troy ny superior merch co jules olson / lady jane / patrick collins
04/08/22 brooklyn ny freddy's backroom oropendola / nicomo
3/25/22 catskill ny avalon lounge oropendola / mackenzie shivers
10/16/21 burbank ca house show aminala
10/01/21 baltimore md four hour day lutherie eliza edens
9/17/21 cold spring ny coffeehouse live emily jeanne brown
9/04/21 brooklyn ny freddy's bar *RESCHEDULED* rbke / nicomo / alexia avina
7/30/21 cold spring ny coffeehouse live corinna parrish
7/23/21 beacon ny two way brewing co
7/14/21 brooklyn ny young ethel's bright brown
5/30/20 brooklyn ny the way station *CANCELLED COVID*
5/23/20 brooklyn ny powerhouse arena *CANCELLED COVID* karl lucas
5/01/20 baltimore md four hour lutherie *CANCELLED COVID* eliza edens
4/30/20 arbutus md oca mocha *CANCELLED COVID* eliza edens
4/26/20 philadelphia pa ortlieb's *CANCELLED COVID* farra / eliza edens
4/25/20 state college pa co. space *CANCELLED COVID* eliza edens
4/24/20 queens ny the footlight *CANCELLED COVID* izzy heltai / eliza edens / chazzy lake
4/23/20 troy ny superior merchandise co. *CANCELLED COVID* eliza edens / henry bilik
4/22/20 portland me the apohadion theater *CANCELLED COVID* eliza edens / dead gowns
4/21/20 cambridge ma the lilypad *CANCELLED COVID* heather scott / eliza edens
4/18/20 burlington vt foam brewers *CANCELLED COVID* eliza edens / a box of stars
4/17/20 north adams ma common folk *CANCELLED COVID* eliza edens / izzy heltai
3/31/20 somerville ma armory cafe *CANCELLED COVID* slow dress
3/30/20 brooklyn ny gold sounds *CANCELLED COVID* tim higgins / tender creature
3/20/20 brooklyn ny pine box rock shop *CANCELLED COVID* johhny petunia / nicomo
2/24/20 manhattan ny LOLA nyc emmerson and her clammy hands / oropendola
2/04/20 brooklyn ny sixty sixth congress mike lee / slalomville / the planes
1/29/20 manhattan ny rockwood stage 3 bright brown
1/08/20 brooklyn ny tiny cupboard series
12/05/19 manhattan ny rockwood stage 3 kira hooks
11/21/19 brooklyn ny troost dirty bird
11/08/19 brooklyn ny pine box rock shop little mystery / allegra krieger
10/18/19 brooklyn ny house show joanna schubert
08/05/19 brooklyn ny sunnyvale ben kogan band / hoo:lumes / caroline kuhn
06/18/19 philly pa house show dead gowns / lyle de vitry / jordan rast & monica de vitry
06/15/19 brooklyn ny the well, 'brooklyn's best' festival bates / lily mao / ty banga
06/12/19 portland me empire ned porter / crabman
06/10/19 philly pa kung fu necktie littlun / the still,small voice / high ghostly
06/05/19 portland me blue
05/18/19 boston ma sofar boston
05/17/19 brooklyn ny caffeine underground katie martucci / eliza edens
05/10/19 northampton ma iconic social club ben wetherbee
05/09/19 philly pa the pharmacy elbowache / damon smith
05/08/19 ridgewood ny the footlight caroline kuhn / magnetic the shaman / twin village
05/06/19 boston ma midway cafe ned porter / we can all be sorry
05/03/19 baltimore md sofar baltimore
04/24/19 burlington vt radio bean
04/23/19 albany ny house show
04/22/19 brooklyn ny pete’s candy store
04/19/19 brooklyn ny cafe beit prints of monaco
04/18/19 philly pa sofar philly, 12 gates gallery
11/13/18 brooklyn ny muchmore’s
10/13/18 washington DC sofar DC yasmin williams / silent old mtns
10/11/18 northampton ma iconic social club eliza edens / corey laitman
09/08/18 elizabethtown ny otis mountain get down festival raveena / the nude party
07/11/18 nashville tn vinyl tap crackerboots / chris lippincott
06/05/18 baltimore md sofar baltimore black asset / be steadwell
06/04/18 queens ny artery house concert
06/03/18 queens ny the footlight sara and the sea / matt gibbs of evolfo
05/29/18 philadelphia pa tralfamadore gender work / chris iacoponi / jean tomlin / the polka dot
05/26/18 charlottesville va the garage the go rounds
05/23/18 nashville tn arts immersion festival
11/11/17 nashville tn atamology
11/12/17 asheville nc snack house jack victor
10/12/17 brooklyn ny artery house concert
10/04/17 brooklyn ny silent barn eliza edens / dirty bird
10/02/17 boston ma midway cafe ben trickey / modern painters
09/29/17 stockbridge vt wild fern
09/08/17 elizabethtown ny otis mountain get down festival sam evian / mothers
09/01/17 burlington vt radio bean
01/14/17 nashville tn the post leah-grams johnson / Ike Catrett
12/12/16 nashville tn sunnymeade live
11/11/16 nashville tn cobra natalie royal / midnight snack
02/04/16 somerville ma thunder road mammal dap / harsh armadillo
09/11/15 elizabethtown ny otis mountain get down festival black milk / rough frances
04/07/15 burlington vt radio bean
01/30/15 hanover pa circle bar
01/29/15 philadelphia pa grape room
01/17/15 burlington vt nectar’s smooth antics
01/09/15 manhattan ny fontana’s
01/07/15 providence ri spot
12/13/14 boston ma tt the bears
12/12/14 ithica ny the nines
12/11/14 hamden ct the outer space
12/06/14 manhattan ny cake shop
12/05/14 clinton ny hamilton college
12/04/14 providence ri brown university
12/02/14 frederick md guido’s speakeasy
11/30/14 washington dc electric maid
11/29/14 philadelphia pa the grape room
11/28/14 baltimore md the 8x10
11/21/14 richmond va the camel
11/20/14 reston va world of beer
11/19/14 charlotte nc heist brewery
11/16/14 chapel hill nc the cave
11/15/14 greensboro nc guilford college
11/15/14 elon nc elon university
11/14/14 beaufort nc hannah’s haus
11/13/14 wrightsville beach nc jimmy’s
11/08/14 middlebury vt middlebury college
11/01/14 manhattan ny ella lounge
11/06/14 new london ct connecticut college
11/05/14 philadelphia pa the grape room